Congestive heart failure (CHF) is a disorder that affects the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively to the rest of your body. It affects approximately 5 million people in the U. S. and occurs predominantly in the elderly with
almost 80% of cases occurring in those 65 years or older. CHF is a result of abnormalities in the heart structure (valve disorders, enlargement), abnormal rhythm, and poor function due to heart attacks and high blood pressure. CHF also occurs more often in people with multiple problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, angina, and chronic lung disease. When the heart muscle is unable to pump adequate blood out of the heart, fluid backs up into areas such as the lungs and ankles. People with significant CHF are unable to sleep in a flat position and need
several pillows to sleep.

The goals for treatment of CHF are to relieve symptoms, avoid hospitalizations and prolong life. Treatment consists of medications that help the heart muscle pumpmore effectively and reduce fluid retention. It is important for a
person with CHF to eat a low sodium diet since sodium in the body retains more fluid. Another approach is implantation of a device (below the left collar bone and above the heart) that is a pacemaker/defibrillator. The pacemaker helps establish a more normal pulse rate, especially in those with low pulse rates. The defibrillator
shocks the heart into a normal rhythm when the electrical conduction of the heart goes crazy.

Studies indicate that the 2-year mortality rate for those with CHF approaches 50%. So, the best way to deal with CHF is to take measures to avoid it in the first place. Get your blood pressure and diabetes in good control. Stop smoking since nicotine increases your blood pressure and likelihood of blood clots, causes coronary heart
disease and builds up fat in the arteries. Stop using drugs such as ice, which causes an enlarged heart and eventually failure. If you are obese, begin exercising, eat healthier and lose weight. Extra weight puts extra
work on the heart. Here’s to a healthier heart!

Ko‘olauloa Health Center
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